What we do
Floratek specializes in the area of neurodegenerative disorders and cancer, aiming to find a potential treatment for diseases with high unmet medical needs.

Innovation by harnessing the resources of the plant kingdom
The large majority of existing medicines are based on products pre-existing in nature.
Polyphenols are secondary metabolites of plants largely found in fruits and vegetables. Increasing evidence has demonstrated the potential beneficial effects of polyphenols on human health.
Extensive reviews have discussed the protective effects of polyphenols against a series of diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and various neurodegenerative disorders.

Intelligent design and scientific and rigor
However, their utility is limited because of poor bioavailability and unpredictable metabolism.
Floratek’s design aims at improving both bioavailability and metabolism, while providing highly active and selective molecules with very low levels of toxicity.
The company’s proprietary platform generated a rich pipeline of designed semi-synthetic compounds. The preclinical studies of a number of lead candidates with optimized structure are in advanced stages, allowing planning of clinical trials.